
Battlefield V is headed to the Pacific Theater in its Chapter 5 update

Luke Hardwick

4 years, 6 months ago

Battlefield V Chapter 5 War in the Pacific

Battlefield V's Chapter 5 update, titled "War in the Pacific", is bringing in some fresh content in the form of new factions, weapons, battle pick-ups, and vehicles, as well as two maps from previous Battlefield games that have received a fresh coat of paint.

In case you'd like some grits to go with your breakfast, the new trailer is particularly gritty, graphic, and depicts just the right amount of beautifully-rendered bloodshed to get players jazzed about all the fun new ways they get to kill each other.

War in the Pacific is set to launch on October 31st, because what's spookier than war. Additionally, two free trial weekends have been planned - one of which that starts tomorrow, October 24th, and another that runs November 1 - 4.