
Assassin's Creed Valhalla's slow-burn reveal was an interesting test of fan's patience

Luke Hardwick

4 years ago

Assassin's Creed Vahalla reveal

The wait is over, and we now know that the next entry in the long-running Assassin's Creed series will be taking players back to the age of Vikings - complete with the finest beards you've ever laid eyes on.

It's an exciting time to be an Assassin's Creed fan, and perhaps even more so for those whose interests overlap into Norse Mythology. That said, can we just take a moment to revel at the way Ubisoft chose to reveal it? My Oden, what a slow burn.

In case you didn't tune into the livestream, it featured artist BossLogic working some photoshop magic to create the image that by now you've almost certainly seen plastered all over the internet. The whole process clocked in at a little over 8 hours, and it wasn't until the final moments when BossLogic applied the signature logo that all was revealed that this was our next Assassin's Creed game.

Not everyone was pleased with Ubisoft's chosen format for revealing the next Assassin's Creed, and who can blame them. Most folks simply don't have the time (or attention span for that matter) to watch 8 hours of someone shading bushes. That is, unless that someone is Bob Ross. Not to dismiss BossLogic's talent, because he's got plenty of it, but Bob Ross is more than just a painter - he's also good for the soul. Anyway, I digress.

Fortunately, a time-lapsed version of the stream now exists where you can watch the entire process play out in a few minutes. Or, you can just wait until 8:00AM PST tomorrow morning, at which point Ubisoft is releasing an actual trailer.