
GTA Online latest expansion includes a secret mission that you need to be drunk to unlock

Luke Hardwick

4 years, 8 months ago


While it's no secret that GTA Online encourages players to indulge their most self-destructive impulses, there has apparently been a secret mission hidden within the newly-added Diamond Resort & Casino that can only be discovered by forcing your character to consume copious amounts of alcohol.

Steps for unlocking the mission are detailed in more detail over at Kotaku, but players will essentially need to have their character drink a specific whiskey until "blacking out", after which they might "come to" at the location of the mission giver. It's far from an exact science, and in addition to a few caveats the player needs to satisfy in order to even be eligible for the mission, the actual number of drinks required before triggering it ranges from 50 or less to upwards of 200. All to say, it may take you a few minutes to experience this hidden gem of a mission or it might end up being a day-long affair.

This isn't the first time Rockstar has rewarded players for in-game binge drinking, having included a similar event in last year's Nightclub expansion that leveraged a mechanic where blacking out caused the player to wake up at a random spot in the city. However, instead of unlocking a mission, players could look forward to potentially earning an exclusive t-shirt if they managed to wake up in the right location.

As per the usual, Rockstar's antics once again question whether life imitates art, or if it's the other way around.