
The internet is having a great time chronicling the disaster that is WWE 2K20's launch

Luke Hardwick

4 years, 6 months ago


Even though I haven't had a chance to try WWE 2K20 for myself, I'm pretty sure I'm not alone in believing that I've already benefited from its existence more than I would've otherwise thought possible. This is of course because the game is a spandex-clad dumpster fire, and those unfortunate enough to be day-one adopters have been posting some decidedly choice clips of all the wonderful ways the game is currently broken. Golly I love the internet.

It's unclear how WWE 2K20 could have launched with so many hilariously bad bugs, or how it appears to be in significantly worse shape than its predecessor, WWE 2K19, despite being developed by the same studio. That said, I can honestly say that I haven't been this entertained by pro wrestling since the Attitude Era.

I'd imagine the folks over at Visual Concepts are scrambling to put together a patch and end this social media tirade, but for now, everyone who didn't get suckered out of $60 for this hot mess of a game can sit back and enjoy the show.