
WWE 2K21 officially cancelled following backlash over previous entry's exceedingly broken state

Luke Hardwick

4 years ago

WWE 2K21 has been cancelled

Update (10:25AM PST)

According to correspondence from 2K, "details on the future of the WWE 2K franchise as well as some exciting news” will be shared next Monday at 10AM EST.

Original Story

Perhaps there was a shortage of duct tape from trying to fix WWE 2K20, which in turn left none for when its successor might also implode on itself. Perhaps that's too simplistic of anecdote because it doesn't adequately address the hyper-complicated process of making a video game. Whatever the reason, the WWE has confirmed that WWE2K21 has been cancelled.

During a financial call, the WWE's interim chief financial officer Frank Riddick simply stated: "There's not going to be a launch of the game this year." Well okay then.

This revelation comes after a bevy of speculation surfaced that WWE 2K21 would in fact be cancelled, and, according to former developer Justin Leeper, replaced with a "different kind of WWE game". The latter part of that prophecy has yet to be confirmed, but the absence of this year's iteration at least gives team WWE an opportunity to figure out what's next for the series.

After the truly horrendous launch of WWE 2K20 and the subsequent flood of so many good clips showcasing the game's many glitches, it's really no wonder that there would need to be a reckoning of some sort. I just hope that there's still enough left of that game to tide fans over until the series can make a comeback.