
Payday 2 development resumes as its studio announces new DLC and Features

Luke Hardwick

4 years, 5 months ago

Payday 2 Silk Road update
Back in the saddle again

Overkill, the studio behind Payday 2, has announced a series of new DLC updates that aim to jumpstart development for their Oceans Eleven meets Left 4 Dead co-op shooter. It's been nearly a year since Payday 2 received any proper updates, being that the studio had previously discontinued support for the game in favor of new projects.

As part of the new update, titled "Silk Road", Overkill is implementing a new cosmetic system that allows players to better manage their aesthetic with customizable outfits and flare. Additionally, the following outfits are being released for the low, low price of free:

  • Tactical BDU
  • Raincoat
  • Scrubs
  • Winter Camo Parka
  • Tuxedo
  • Murkywater Uniform

If for some reason fashion is not your top priority, a separate DLC called the "Cartel Optics Mod Pack" will be introducing a set of new weapon attachments. As one might be able to infer from the title, this particular update will predominantly consist of sights and optics.

Last, but certainly not least, a new heist is coming out in the not-so-distant-future that brings the Payday boys to the US - Mexican border. There, they will attempt to disrupt some sort of trafficking operation there that is being orchestrated by their arch nemesis-es, Murkywater and the Dentist. Also, the gang's handler, Bain, got himself into a bit of trouble and needs some help, which will require the team to split up if they hope to make off with the score and save their associate.

Payday 2 had originally ceased development its studio shifted to other projects, including the ill-fated Overkill's The Walking Dead that was gearing to be their next big game. However, that ended up flopping so hard that As a result, the game ended up being pulled from retail shelves and online stores, and the Walking Dead's publisher, Skybound Entertainment, revoked its license.

Needless to say, Payday 2's sudden and unexpected resurgence is no coincidence. It's not secret that Overkill's parent company, Starbreeze, has had a turbulent year and are at this point simply trying to keep the doors open. As such, the Silk